
Fuel Stop 2 Finke Desert Race

from 8:00am Fri, 7 Jun 2019
to 8:00pm Mon, 10 Jun 2019

by Bernhard Kuepper
Posted: almost 6 years ago
Updated: over 1 year ago by Bernhard Kuepper
Visible to: public

Time zone: Darwin
Reminder: None
Ends: 8:00pm Monday 10 June 2019 (duration is 4 days)

Trip Leader
James O’Connell – 0404 223 424 – wicks747@yahoo.co.nz

Saturday 8th of June muster at Heavy Tree Gap Servo 10:15am for sharp 10:30am departure

Approx. 150km each way, ensure enough fuel for 300km round trip

The Plan
Meet up at Heavy Tree Gap Servo and air down
Travel in convoy to Fuel Stop 2
Set up camp Saturday afternoon
Set up repeater and prepare for Sundays races
Set up drums and jerrys
Operate Fuel Stop-roughly three hours
Pack up drums, jerrys and shipping container
Return to Alice Springs 6pm

Road Conditions
Heavily corrugated dirt road. Will be extremely busy and could be slow going.
Southern end, after turn-off is riddled with railway spikes. Ensure your second set of eyes are also on the look-out, as we would like to avoid flat tyres. Be aware of passing vehicles and idiots.

We will be using channel 67 as 10 will be busy

There are no permanent facilities at Fuel Stop 2
However, we will be bringing a port-a-loo, generator, gas cooker and the club bbq
Nearest services are 40kms away at Merryvale

Please have an envelope in your glove box containing any medical conditions/info and emergency contact details for each person in your vehicle-a copy of this can be printed from the team app in the documents section. We will have a small number of medical professions as part of the crew and St John are based approx. 20kms north at Rodinga. Trip leader will have Club Spot tracker in the case of an emergency.

Please Bring
Fuel for 300km
Recovery gear
UHF-the club has two that can be lent out if needed
Firewood if possible
Camping gear-swag etc
Warm clothing as it could be cold especially during the night

10L of water per person per day, cooking utensils
2x breakfast
3x lunch
2x dinner

James O’Connell


Old South Road Alice Springs


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