
Mt Dare - Canceled due to road closures

from 8:30am Sat, 7 Oct 2017
to 5:00pm Sun, 8 Oct 2017

by Kirsten Johnston
Posted: over 7 years ago
Updated: about 2 months ago by Bernhard Kuepper
Visible to: public

Time zone: Darwin
Reminder: None
Ends: 5:00pm Sunday 08 October 2017 (duration is 1 day)

Unfortunately, the trip to Mt Dare needs to be postponed, we can reschedule the original plan via Old Andado Station commencing at 0830 on Saturday, 25th November. Remember, it could be hot, into the 40s.
The roads to Mt Dare remain officially closed, most likely into next week, & the risk of further rain across Central Australia is high for this weekend.
The revised schedule will be put up on the Trips.

Update 6/10/17
Trip postponed to Saturday 18th November due to road closures, flooding & expected rains.
Update 5/10/17
NT Roads have actually closed the road between Abminga Road & the SA Border. There is an extensive flood plain there and some creek crossings, passable with snorkels, but boggy just past the creeks. They could reopen by the weekend, but would be dodgy for another week at least as the water lays there. Fine when there is a hard surface underneath, but not that clay.

In addition to that, I don’t like the look of the synoptic charts forecast for the next 4 days, especially south of Alice.

We could reschedule for 21, 28 October or 4th November, remembering that it could in the 40s C by then.

I will make the call the tomorrow, but the trip looks doubtful at this stage.

Hello all,
I have posted a message to the trip, but need some advice, & also need to ensure that Club Members & those who have enlisted are aware of the situation.

The Finke River is flooding through Andado, apparently expected to continue for a week. The road would also be cut at New Crown. There are other treacherous areas out there as well. In addition, roads south of Mt Dare are closed, Oodnadatta, Dalhousie, Simpson Desert (both ends). These closures do not show up on the NT roads website.

The last 4 kms to Mt Dare will be tricky, but passable, although recovery gear will be required, hopefully not used.

Our only alternative would be to travel via Kulgera, air down, then in via Finke to Mt Dare, returning the same way, with a detour into Lambert Centre. I am not interested in travelling the Old South Rd (Ghan) and being shaken to pieces again, and the Finke could be flooded there as well.

I need to put it to members, and ensure that they still want the trip to go ahead with the change. I am bitterly disappointed as the highlight of this trip was the lesser travelled Binns Track through Andado, skirting the edge of the Simpson Desert, the swamps, Finke & floodout.

I am still happy to lead the amended trip so long as we have sufficient interest. It actually might make it suitable for other members as well as fuel is available, bitumen easier, and possibly a later departure for those interested.

Those committed to the trip were Bernhard, Kuepper, Jan Horsfall (travelling with me), Leo Gepperth & Jess McAdams.

Can you please forward this email to all members. I can be contacted on the below details.

Ian B. Clarke

E-mail: ian.clarke@nt.catholic.edu.au
Phone: (08) 8950 6406
Mobile: 0439 815 052


Mt Dare


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