
Sunday Session - Local Tracks East

Sun, 7 May 2017
from 9:00am to 12:00pm

by Steve Dominguez
Posted: over 7 years ago
Updated: over 1 year ago by Steve Dominguez
Visible to: public

Time zone: Darwin
Reminder: None
Ends: 12:00pm (duration is about 3 hours)

Suitable for beginners/inexperienced drivers

Meet at the end of Stephens Road on the dirt for 0900 briefing and departure.

A light Sunday drive through the tracks in crown land east of town, and a chance to get your 4WD in low range. There are a couple of photo spots that may require sturdy footwear to walk to.

Whilst these tracks are considered easy-moderate, care should be taken when driving, as conditions may change with weather and frequent use.

Basic recovery gear if you have it, and enough food and water for your passengers to last a few hours. We will stop for lunch at a nice lookout spot for those interested.

Some educational components can be added for those that want to learn about the traction aids their vehicle (and other vehicles) have off road.


Stephens Road, Alice springs


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